A Young Fisherman on His Way Home from the Seagull Hunt,
A boy in a sou’wester and worn work attire heads home after a successful seagull hunt. Three dead birds slung over his shoulder and his back turned to the painting’s viewer, he trudges across the damp sandy beach strewn with greenish-brown algae and pebbles. The realistic style of painting, which depicts both the overcast sky and the churning sea, makes the beach seem a wet and cold, inhospitable place.
Michael Ancher paid his first visit to Skagen in the northernmost reaches of Denmark in 1874....
Signatur und Datierung: 18 ma 77., unten rechts, handschriftlich
(…); Kunsthandel, Dänemark (2002); MKdW (2002).
Nicola Carola Heuwinkel: Michael Ancher 1849–1927, in: Kunst und Küste. Ausgewählte Werke der Sammlung Kunst der Westküste, hrsg. von Thorsten Sadowsky, Alkersum/Föhr 2013, S. 38, Abb. S. 39.
Michael Ancher (1849 - 1927)
A Young Fisherman on His Way Home from the Seagull Hunt